

Major Features



  • Natural Handwriting Recognition
  • Part Extraction (show/hide parts)
  • Multi-measure rests
  • Support for Split Screen mode
  • Support for Dark Mode
  • Supports Apple Scribble
  • Support for Apple Pencils
  • Support for chord symbols and fretboards
  • Support for pickup measures
  • Export MusicXML®
  • Export MIDI
  • Export image attachment in email
  • Staffs limited only by memory
  • 128 General MIDI sounds
  • In-app sound library purchaes available
  • Cut, copy, paste, undo and redo
  • Paste Special with filters
  • Two voices per staff
  • Print to a wireless printer
  • Regions
  • Custom beaming with beam breaking and joining
  • Alternate notes/rests/tools palettes
  • Searchable, context-sensitive reference manual
  • On-line tutorial while working in Split Screen
  • Customize Apple Pencil barrel double taps
  • Customizable colors


  • Unlimited view sizes
  • Scroll, page and presentation views
  • Live spacing
  • Search for measure number, rehearsal marks, or text
  • Change music spacing
  • Auto-scrolling at screen edges
  • Layers


  • Drag up/down for pitch
  • Drag left/right for duration
  • Double flats to double sharps
  • Grace notes
  • Floating rests
  • Half step transpositions
  • Octave transpositions
  • Tuplets
  • Specify cross-staff notes
  • Courtesy Accidentals
  • Hide/show rests
  • Stem flipping
  • Voice two color

Articulations & Ornaments

  • Staccato P
  • Marcato
  • Accent P
  • Dynamics P
  • Tenuto
  • Harmonic
  • Tremolos P
  • Guitar symbols
  • Left hand pizzicato
  • Fermata
  • Up and down bows
  • Roll chord
  • Turn P
  • Mordent P
  • Trill, Trill flat, natural, sharp P
  • Cesura
  • Breath
  • Pedal on/off
  • L.H., R.H.
  • Roman numerals (I - V)
  • Numbers (0 - 5)


  • Glissando
  • Bend hat
  • Dotted line
  • Solid line
  • Tie P
  • Slur
  • Slur and tie flipping
  • 8va, 8vb P
  • 15ma, 15mb P
  • Accelerando/Ritardando


  • Free, verse, chorus of unlimited number
  • Auto flow into score
  • Duplicate
  • Find in score
  • Specify above or below staff
  • Span notes, group words, melismas


  • Normal, double, solid, dotted, final
  • Repeats (playback enabled)
  • Show repeat map
  • Backwards, forwards, 1st and 2nd endings
  • DC, DS, Del Segno, Coda, Finé


  • Free form text
  • Placement - above/below staff
  • Border option for rehearsal letters
  • Font, size, style
  • Auto rehearsal marks

Clefs, keys, meters

  • Change selected only
  • Change selected to next change
  • Change selected to end
  • Mid-measure clef changes
  • Keys transpose up, down or none
  • Measure duration clipping
  • Automatic transpositions


  • Supports Bluetooth
  • Change tempo, volume, pan, gain, mute and solo
  • Scrub forwards and backwards
  • Fretboards and chord symbols playback
  • Create loops with visual feedback
  • Playback with or without repeats active
  • Change any staffs instrument sounds
  • Add reverb
  • Set playback range
  • Dragging notes up or down to change pitch sounds note(s)


  • Tempo text P
  • Font, size, style
  • Beats per note duration
  • Always appear on staff top


  • Crescendo, decrescendo
  • ppp - fff, sfz, fp P

P effects playback

Advanced features

Render Chords and Fretboards

Selected chords or fretboards can be rendered directly into a staff as a chord or arpeggiated notes.


Add custom bookmarks to any measure with your own annotations.

Target Staff Mode

You can now touch to insert a new note in a staff, but have that note actually be inserted in a staff either above or below. This both speeds up inserting cross-staff notes and/or makes it much easier to add notes that have many ledger lines.

Cross Staff Notes

Notes from one staff can be designated to appear on any adjacent staff. Beaming and slurs will follow.

Custom Beaming

Any beam-able note can be added to or broken from a previous beam group. Meters support “Beam Sub-divisions” which allow smaller or larger beam groups.


Support for fretboards can be turned on in the Staff Manager. A dropdown allows selection from various fretted instruments such as various guitars, banjos, dulcimers, etc. Fretboards work in conjunction with chord symbols and you can choose from dozens of permutations of any chord from the fretboard chooser pop up available in the chords panel tab. Fretboards are algorithmically created, so any set of chordal notes (even user created) can generate dozens of fretboards. A starting fret can also be designated.

Chord Editor

A chord panel allows you to enter text-based chords (CM, EbSus2/C, Am7, etc.) above the staff with full playback plus a separate Chord Editor to create your own chords available across all your scores.

Transformation Editor

A revolutionary set of tools allows you to extend, reorder, delete, and/or transform your score in a variety of ways - all without having to write a single new note of music.

Illegal Measure Buttons

MusicJOT allows you to compose freely without meter restrictions, but will indicate measures that are not meter compliant in duration by placing a small "not equal" (illegal measure) button in measures that do not comply. To fix a measure automatically, just tap the button. MusicJOT will either truncate or add rests to the measure.

Display Modes, Layers, and Stats

Select from three viewing modes: Scroll, Page and Presentation. MusicJOT also supports layers which can be turned on or off. For example, you may wish to hide all expressions to declutter your work area. Statistics show some metrics about your score such as number of expressions, etc.

Virtual Pointer

The virtual pointer is a clever way to select interior chordal notes or notes that are just very close together. Additionally, it acts as a live music scrubber, sounding individual notes, chords, or the entire score with pitch and octave identification.

Visual Road Map

View the repeat structure in your score (1st and 2nd endings, del segnos, etc.) at a glance. Each entry in this window has a measure range and number of times it is repeated. You can tap on any line in the map window and the relevant measures will be highlighted in the measure bar. Tap once to go to the start of the range and again to the end.

Help System

MusicJOT has an exhaustive and searchable reference manual. Tapping on any ‘?’ (help) icon displays an overlay of help labels which can be tapped to bring up the relevant page in the reference manual. In addition, a Getting Started tutorial is available to work through using Split Screen mode with an internet connection.

Playback Supported Events

MusicJOT supports playback of dynamics (ppp - fff), tempo markings and an assortment of expressions such as accents, ottavas, etc.

Music Spacing

MusicJOT uses sophisticated algorithms for spacing music which can further be customized including preferences for switching between different methods.

Transposing Instruments

All of the standard instrument transpositions are included with user overrides for full customization.

Slur Flipping

Beam Breaking

Flip slurs to above, below or automatic.

Beams can be broken, joined or set to auto.