iPad® System Requirements
Requirements: Apple iOS 15.0 or higher. 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation Apple Pencil®
Version 3.0.5
(Build 68)
New Features
The Settings menu has been rolled into the Actions menu and appears at its top now called, Preferences, while the Transformation button has been moved to where the Settings menu button was. A new Duration/Space toggle button now resides where the transformation button was.
This new Duration/Space toggle button affects what happens when you drag a note horizontally to the right or left. The default behavior increases or decreases the note’s duration as in prior versions. However, when the button is tapped, it changes to Spacing drag. Now dragging a note to the right or left, the note is positionally moved. This is very useful for inserting new notes in between otherwise tightly packed notes.
The Action menu item Reset Manual Positioning, now also resets any extra intra-note spacing added (from above).
The Edit menu for changing barline styles had used the word “Live” whereas the other sections use “Add/Update.” The designation “Live” was ambiguous and so it was removed.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where if you deleted a staff or measures then went into the Transformation Editor, MusicJOT might unexpectedly quit.
Fixed an issue where with 1st and 2nd endings and in audio mode when playing - both endings would play instead of just the 2nd ending (when not using repeats).
The Settings menu item, “Delete Last Measure” is fixed.
Fixed an issue that was inadvertently introduced in version 3.0 where you could no longer drag a barline to make extra room at the end of a measure.
The vertical position of rests less than a half note in duration has been corrected from a slightly too high appearance.
The Shift (music) right/left section in the Transformation Editor has been totally written and now correctly shifts for both voices and with any shift amount and with correct note splitting where necessary.
Fixed an issue where rotating the iPad when in the Arrange Editor was not correctly repositioning the right-most row button area used to move into the Master Arrange window.
Fixed an issue where opening the Action menu then tapping outside it to dismiss it, then opening it again very quickly would cause an unexpected quit.
Fixed an issue in all windows that use vertically scrolling tables where the heading area would slightly shift in color when scrolling upwards.
Fixed an issue in the Staff Manager where if you scrolled upwards, the buttons at the top might flutter their positions slightly.
Fixed an issue where the “Update/Add” buttons in each section of the Edit menu were appearing when expanding a section when they shouldn’t have.
Fixed an issue in the Reference Manual, in the Actions page, where some of the referenced links were broken.
Now switching pre-roll switch on/off recalculates necessary window height in the Transformation Editor Master Section.
Version 3.0
(Build 67)
New Features
You can now flip stems manually via a new Context Sensitive menu option.
A new Reset Flipped Stems has been added to the Action menu.
The help manual for the Action Menu now has added icons for each subject.
Chord text symbols now show the inversion number as a subscript.
A “Render Chord/Fretboard” feature has been added to the context sensitive menu. Selected chords or fretboards can be rendered onto the staff as a chord or arpeggiated notes.
Adds a quick access Help button to eight drop down menus/palettes.
Adds a “Voice Two Color” option to the “Score Settings” dropdown menu.
Adds a new “Colors” panel to “Advanced Settings” now used to set the color for voice two and other events (seen with “Colorize Events” is ON).
Edit Menu section’s icon and text color now changes to indicate when a subsection panel is active or inactive.
Top-right two button panel (Redraw and Zoom Lock) has been reworked and now includes zoom percent with a zoom percent popup chooser.
Improves visual look of slurs and ties that run on to and off of systems in page and print modes.
Dragging out slurs and other shapes in larger scores has been significantly sped up.
Slurs can now be canceled mid-drag by stopping with no target note highlighted.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where if “Show Note Names” in the Display dropdown was ON, then either the audio view or Transformation Editor was opened, the note names would not disappear.
Fixed an issue where chord playback (from chord text) was not working in the Transformation Editor window.
Fixed an issue where if voice 2 was ON then the audio view was opened, the playhead would not appear.
Fixed an issue where inversions in the Chord section of the Edit menu after tapping on Play was not always sounding the correct inversion.
Fixed an issue where the context sensitive menu could have missing items or not scroll properly.
Fixed an issue when determining the MIDI note number when using double flats or double sharps.
Fixed a number of issues regarding the audio settings dropdown menu.
Fixed an issue where under certain circumstances, a double tap on the Apple Pencil when “Play” was set in the shortcuts popup, the entire score would start playing.
Fixed an issue where on rare occasions, trying to load a score unexpectedly quit.
Fixed an issue where fretboard note names were not included in the selected highlight color.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to swipe left or right in presentation view while audio was playing.
Fixed an issue when using the Road Map window to go to the start and end of a repeat set by tapping on a line in the table was off by one measure when scrolling.
Fixed an issue when using the 1st and 2nd taps on a row in the Road Map window. The first tap after opening the window now always scrolls to the first measure of the repeated section while the 2nd tap - to the end. Previously it had sometimes been reversed.
Fixed an issue when the Zoom Lock button was engaged yet under certain circumstances the display would suddenly zoom to 100% and move to the beginning of the score.
Fixed an issue where the temporary zoom percentage that appears while zooming was not re-centering itself after a device orientation change.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to drag a note in Presentation view which should not allow editing.
Fixed an issue where under certain conditions, a slur was not delete-able.
Version 2.8
(Build 65)
New Features
A new Target Staff feature has been added to the note palette that lets you touch to insert a new note in a staff, but have that note actually be inserted in a staff either above or below. This both speeds up inserting cross-staff notes and/or makes it much easier to add notes that have many ledger lines.
The first measure can now be set as a pickup measure with the ability to either include or exclude in measure numbering.
Lyric choruses are now italicized to differentiate them from verses.
Lyrics can now be positioned above the staff set up in the Staff Manager.
Road Map window now updates live making changes such as inserting/deleting measures, or adding/changing repeats.
Removed measure number at the start of system one in Page View as this is more conventional.
A more intuit way to cancel the inserting of new notes has been added, Advanced Settings: Cancel When Exceeds Staff Midlines.
When dragging to insert a new note and after moving into the cancel note area (exceeding number of ledger lines or beyond staff midlines), you can now simply drag back to the legal area without having to start over with a new touch.
When inserting a note that has been dragged into the cancel note area (above/below the staff), the note is now dimmed to indicate that.
A new insertion line that moves as you drag a new inserted note appears vertically between the outer lines of the staff which is helpful (especially when in multiple ledger line territory) to see exactly where the new note will be inserted.
A new cancel new note mode (when trying to insert a note too far above/below the staff) has been added to Advanced Settings: Sliding Palette.
Bugs Fixed
Fixes an issue where the display dropdown, “Previous” was not cycling through all staffs to highlight illegal measures.
Fixed an issue where meters with a wide numerical denominator was too close to the previous clef or key signature.
General speed increase.
Some Settings menu items have been reworded to better reflect their function.
Regions can now be extended or moved by dragging their handles in page view.
Fixed an issue where if you didn’t tab out of the End Measure text field in the Transformation Editor’s main view when entering the Action Editor, you didn’t get the updated range.
Fixed an issue where an unexpected quit would occur if you tried to drag a slur from a voice which was not the current voice.
Fixed an issue where the display dropdown window was not closing when the Edit Menu window, audio view, or handwriting was opened.
Fixed an issue where if you were trying to insert a note using the note palette and were in pitch sliding mode and went out of bounds (above/below staff) then immediately went into non-pitch sliding mode, you couldn’t place a note.
Fixed an issue where if you were inserting a note in non-pitch sliding mode and toggled to a rest and had the audio on, dragging the rest still sounded audio.
Fixed an issue where playback was not starting from the current playhead position but rather, always from the beginning.
Fixed an issue where the visibly topmost system of any page in presentation view was not getting a measure number shown.
Version 2.7
(Build 55)
New Features
Snap to user defined grid for perfectly aligning expressions and other elements.
Ledger lines have been completely reworked. Now they correctly switch between wide and normal ledger widths when encountering note head collisions.
A new preference in the options menu allows the context sensitive menu to appear at the top instead of the bottom.
New context sensitive menu: Hide [selected] Rests.
New action menu item: Reset Hidden Rests.
New display dropdown item to show hidden rests plus a hidden rests count.
New display dropdown: previous/next buttons move to successive illegal measures.
New progress spinner to a tapped library browser score to indicate activity when loading scores.
New collision detection between voice 1 and 2 has been addressed.
Consecutive hairpins now have a small space between ends avoids run-together.
After rendering handwriting, the measure width now remains static making it easier to start a new measure.
Respacing score after handwriting rendering is now under user control with a new top-right Respace button.
Existing shapes (slurs, hairpins, etc.) now drag out continuously live.
Dragging shapes (slurs, hairpins, etc.) with their handles are now easier to attach to nearest note.
Guitar bends and glissandi now can only be connected to consecutive notes.
Ottava expressions are now initially distanced above and below the staff so they don’t get obscured by staff lines.
8ba/15ba now defaults to under the staff.
Mode (Major, minor) has been added to the MusicXML export.
New pickup measures can be designated to any measure.
New action menu item: Pickup Measures has been added to clear/set.
Zoom lock button is now hidden during handwriting.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where exiting from handwriting was not always restoring two finger scrolling.
Fixed an issue where rests could get “transposed” during a transposition operation. This would become evident when toggling from a rest to a note.
Fixed an issue where dragging a master staff barline to stretch or shrink a measure on one that previously had this operation performed would jump erratically.
Fixed an issue when dragging staffs: Note Names (from display dropdown) were not keeping their relative distance.
Fixed an issue where a rest might begin or end a beam group.
Fixed an issue where some accidentals in voice 2 were not drawing when first running the app until the voice 2 button was selected.
Fixed an issue where the score browser was unnecessarily slow.
Fixed an issue where dragging out a crescendo or decrescendo, the opening gap was half the width it should have been.
Fixed an issue where scrubbing the playhead in audio mode was not aligning properly to the sounding of notes.
Fixed a prior fix attempt assuring the help arrows in the help overlay would always run ‘underneath’ the help labels was incomplete and now works.
Fixes issue when in scroll view and the score was scrolled upwards, dragging the staffs up or down was not working.
Fixed an issue when selecting the Target popup in the repeats section of the Edit menu might have caused an unexpected quit.
Fixed an issue when from the Action menu, selecting an item’s submenu then exiting by tapping outside the Action menu, then returning to the Action menu, the submenu would not resize properly.
Fixed an issue where if you made a selection thus presenting the Context Sensitive Menu, then going into the audio view, then back out, the context menu was not dismissing even though there were no longer any selections present.
Fixed an issue when dragging staffs up or down where there was a slight jump in staff position from where the drag began.
Version 2.6.1
(Build 54)
New Features
Voices selector controls are larger now and easier to select.
Help balloons arrows are more translucent making the labels easier to read.
Added an on-screen zoom lock/unlock button for fast access (mimics control in the display dropdown menu).
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where the pencil shortcuts action menu was not updating the action menu selected checkmark.
Fixed an issue where pencil shortcuts menu was not appearing for some iPad models.
Fixed an issue where handwriting was not respecting the option, “Edits With Pencil Only (vs finger).”
Illegal bar count in display dropdown now reflects the correct number regardless of its show/hide status.
Illegal bar buttons now correctly displaying the same for voice 1 and voice 2.
Dragging a lyric syllable no longer resets its line positioning.
Long runs of beamed notes with interior short durations better adjusts to maintain minimum distance from note to beams.
Version 2.6
(Build 53)
New Features
Changing Bluetooth devices or turning Bluetooth ON/OFF no longer kills audio.
Dragging up and down for pitch is now very fluid whereas before it occasionally got ‘stuck.’
When entering notes in a new measure, the measure width no longer contracts.
Added a “Zoom Lock” button in the display drop down. When ON, two fingers no longer zoom documents which is useful when entering music, especially from the palette.
An inadvertent slow down in longer scores that appeared in v2.5 has been fixed.
The triple-tap to reset the document to 100% zoom has been changed to 5-taps, as the triple tap was a little too easy to inadvertently trigger.
Tuplets are now ‘smarter’ when entered, placing only a number on beamed tuplets and a bracket on non-beamed notes.
The Action menu item: ‘Reset Tuplet Placements’ now also repositions to default positions.
Display drop down window has been reworked. ON/OFF switches have been removed. Now the icon IS the ON/OFF button.
Metrics (formerly in an expanded part of the Display drop down) has been moved next to each show/hide display button. They have also been fixed, as under some circumstances, some were incorrect.
A new “Note Names” option has been added to the Display drop down. This shows the note name above every note. Distance above the staff can be dragged by the drag bar in the left staff view.
Illegal measure markers no longer appear for empty measures, significantly reducing clutter.
It is now possible to add courtesy accidentals which appear with parenthesis. Tapping with an accidental toggles the courtesy state ON/OFF.
A new bulk export has been added to enable exporting your entire library either in MusicXML or PDF.
A new dedicated ‘Rehearsal Marks’ panel has been added to the Edit menu. See the in-app help on this item.
Tempo marks are now attached to measures - not beats.
Both rehearsal marks and tempo marks now show on the top staff even after part extraction for viewing and/or printing.
With the addition of new style rehearsal and tempo marks, the Settings menu has an added: “Rehearsal Marks/Tempos Top Staff Only” option.
Reorganized the Edit menu into ‘Properties’ and ‘Attachments’ replacing the old ‘Measure’ and ‘Beat’ classifications.
The context menu item, ‘Flip Slurs/Ties’ now has a reset button ‘A’. Now the Flip button will toggle between above/below and the reset button resets to auto.
The context menu item, ‘Break/Join Beam’ now has a reset button ‘A’. Now the Beam button will toggle between break/join and the reset button resets to auto.
Adds a new Action menu item: ‘Convert Legacy Rehearsal Marks’.
Adds a new Action menu item: ‘Reset Audio’.
Volume and tempo are now set to 100% when loading scores.
Enhancements made to the text search box at the top now include finding on partial entries.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where switching voices might have removed some tuplets.
Fixed an issue where tuplet numbers were mysteriously appearing in places they didn’t belong in page view.
Fixed an issue where some clefs were not displaying their key signatures in a standard fashion.
Fixed an issue when in playback mode, and when tapping a small distance below the ‘back’ button, the score browser instead of ‘back’ was invoked.
Fixed an issue when dragging a shape out from a note to an empty measure, the shape was disappearing.
Staff positions are now preserved when saving and loading.
Fixed an issue where if you double-tapped on a shape in the expressions palette to enter ‘hold’ mode, then tapped in the top menu on the blinking tool to release that tool, then reopened the expressions palette, the selected shape was not working.
Fixed an issue where if you had a document called, “Untitled”, then selected “Defaults” in the ‘Action Menu: Advanced Settings’ dropdown, your document was deleted.
Checking for bad or corrupt tuplets has been made more robust.
Checking for corrupt repeats has been made more robust.
Fixed an issue where the transposing with the transpose palette for intervals above a P4 were incorrect.
In scroll view, the clef indicated at the left now changes for mid-measure clefs as well as for clef changes at the beginning of measures.
Fixed an issue where if you had, for example, a C# in a measure and later on in the same measure you had a C-natural but in a different octave, the C-natural was not displaying a natural. Now a natural is correctly displayed.
When switching voices, measures no longer shift around.
Playback of voice two when ‘Show Inactive Voice’ is set to: ‘Hidden’, was resting for empty measures. Now those empty measures are skipped as they are when doing the same for voice one.
Fixed an issue where the playhead was not appearing if ‘Show Inactive Voice’ was set to: ‘Hidden’, and the active voice was voice two and the first measure was empty.
Fixed an issue when undoing a paste that involved ties, some other ties inadvertently got removed.
Switching voices no longer changes the scrolled position in the score which could have happened if spacing in one voice was very different than the active voice.
Unisons in the same beat now only show one accidental even if both notes are the same and both have the same accidental.
Fixed an issue when trying to add text from the edit menu. If a note was selected to add text to and that note also had a lyric syllable attached, the ‘Add’ button was not showing.
A preference in Advanced Settings: ‘Text: Border Width’ was incorrectly not actually used.
Fixed an issue where rests in voice 2 were getting guide lines when ‘Show Guide Lines’ was ON.
Fixed an unexpected quit when selecting either a double-flatted or double-sharped note then opening the Edit menu.
Fixed an issue inadvertently introduced in v2.5, which under certain circumstances, the actual duration of interior beamed notes were showing incorrect beaming, thus obscuring their true durations.
Tapping on a voice 2 illegal measure duration button to fix the total duration of voice 2 as per the time signature, was wrongly adding rests to voice 1.
All example scores have been checked fixing a few wrong notes.
Fixed an issue where you could still drag notes even though they might have been hidden from the display dropdown (Show Notes: OFF).
Fixed an issue where if you had many accidentals in the key signature and using the note palette, sometimes the note that got inserted was above or below by one staff space of where you intended.
Fixed a situation where under some circumstances, the tempo/volume sliders were not in sync with their underlying values.
Version 2.5
(Build 52)
New Features
You can now show/hide parts in the Staff Manager (part extraction). Useful for focusing on one part or printing parts.
New multi-measure rests appear in both Presentation and Print modes for groups of two or more measure stacks that are filled with whole measure rests.
Sorting scores in the score browser is now case insensitive.
Placeholder text for empty bookmark notes is now easier to read and isn’t cluttered with the Cut, Copy, Lookup, etc. menu items above it.
Added a comments field to document info for each score.
The score browser has a new improved look, plus adds the comments field which is editable right from the browser.
A new action menu item “Fill with Rests” fills empty measures with whole measure rests.
Context sensitive button, “Delete” clears a whole measure(s). If an entire stack(s) is selected, it deletes the entire measure stack(s).
Cut does the same as Delete but also copies to the clipboard.
Added a “Delete Staff” context sensitive menu button when an entire staff is selected, while the plain “Delete” button will just clear all the staff’s measures.
Deleting a staff from the Action menu now has undo/redo support.
Adding a staff from the +Staff button now has undo/redo support.
A long press on any staff name in Scroll View now will evenly distribute the staffs from top to bottom, while a long press in Page View will reset the system gaps.
Exporting MusicXML has been updated, correcting some issues and adding support for more features such as cross-staff notes.
You can now flip either a tie’s position or a slur’s to be either above or below the notes where before you could only flip slurs. A context sensitive menu button will now show Flip Tie, Slur or Shape (if a mix of shape types is selected).
Auto-scrolling (when extending a selection to the screen edges) is now much more reliable and easier to control, and now has a speed preference in the Score Settings dropdown.
The default ledger line width has been increased by a small amount.
Notes that end in a tie over a barline that have an accidental are now correctly not reiterating that accidental.
Added a triple tap gesture to the sidebar which toggles between the old display of staff name plus clef and key one over the other, to just clef and key drawn much bigger and in a normal side-by-side orientation and without the staff name.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where if you were dragging a new bookmark from the menu bar while in page view and if the score was already scrolled down, the score would unexpectedly start to scroll as soon as you entered the score area from the top.
Improved the look of beams rendering.
Fixed the Beam “Break/Join” context sensitive menu item which was not always reflecting the true state of the current selection.
Improved the response speed when selecting a stack of measures that has many notes.
The context sensitive “F” and “G” Clef button is now available when any clef is selected.
Whole measure rests are centered in the measure more accurately.
Fixed an issue where an unexpected quit might occur when moving into presentation view.
Deleting a staff from the Staff Manager now supports undo/redo.
Fixed an issue where if you inserted a new measure before the first measure, the key reappeared in the second measure and couldn’t be deleted without deleting the entire measure.
Fixed an issue when creating a new score, where clefs, keys, and meters were not aligning to the staffs until the screen was first redrawn.
Fixed an issue when using Paste Special with Multiple where if you were pasting a stack of measures, the result was skipping measures.
Fixed an issue when undoing a paste replacing measures of whole measure rests, the rests were not centering properly until the next redraw cycle.
Fixed an issue when copying and pasting more than one staff of measures where the top left measure was completely blank, the blank measure was not being pasted.
Fixed an issue when creating an ostinato (Paste Special w/Multiple Copies) that involved more than one staff produced unexpected results.
Fixes some older documents that may have had a backward repeat that didn’t work.
Fixed an issue when dragging staffs down. If you dragged too fast, the drag would stop.
Fixed an issue when dragging to the extreme right/left/top/bottom, the score would continue to scroll in the same direction even when changing direction.
The auto scrolling when dragging to the extreme right/left/top/bottom of the score now can only happen if a selection is in progress.
When moving into the audio view, all voices are now non-dimmed.
In presentation view, certain Action menu items are now disabled.
Fixed an issue if you had Show Inactive Voice set to “Hidden” and you had empty voice 2 measures - those measure widths became extremely small.
Fixed an issue when in presentation view, some long slurs might have not redrawn properly when switching voices.
Fixed an issue where sometimes if the top staff was very close to the top of the screen, it was hard to grab and drag downward.
Fixed an issue where you were able to horizontally scroll a small amount in Page view. Now horizontal scrolling is disabled in page view.
Fixed an issue in the transpose palette where intervals greater than a perfect 4th were transposing incorrectly.
Fixed an issue in the transpose palette where transposing diatonically was sometimes stripping an accidental resulting in an incorrect transposition.
Fixed an issue where the dimmed voice (the inactive voice), if it only had whole measure rests, those rests were not being centered in the measure.
Fixed an issue when auto-scrolling by dragging to the screen edges was not scrolling vertically in scroll view which would have been evident in scores with many staffs.
Many other improvements.
Version 2.4
(Build 51)
New Features
Greatly enhanced speed when invoking the score browser.
Dragging overlapping objects is now giving precedence to one that has been previously selected making it easier to grab hold of the selected object.
Bookmark any measure(s). Dragging the new bookmark menu icon to any measure saves a bookmark to that measure which is indicated at the end of the measure. This menu bookmark item doubles as a bookmarks dropdown for editing and navigating between bookmarks.
A shape’s start and end handles (slur, crescendo, 8va, etc.) can now be dragged in page view and can also now be attached from one staff to another as well as from one voice to another.
You can now “hold” an expression tool by double tapping in the expressions palette. This immediately closes the expression palette and sets the menu icon to the new tool, and flashes it to let you know it is persistently active. This allows you to enter that expression into your score without the palette open (to maximize screen real estate). Tapping on the flashing icon turns it off and goes back to normal.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue in scroll view that was inadvertently introduced in v2.3, where you could not drag an expression or note that was previously dragged far below the staff back up towards the staff.
Fixed an issue where searching for existing text from the top menu while in page view, the page did not scroll to the expected location.
Fixed an issue were the tie tool was not working across measures yet the shortcut item in the context sensitive menu was working.
Fixed an unexpected quit when you tried to insert a chord symbol that expected to have an associated fretboard, but the fretboard chooser was empty.
Fixed an issue where tremolos could have been dragged off of their note stem.
Fixed an issue when scrubbing in audio mode. If you repeatedly changed direction to scrub over the same beat, that beat was not re-articulating.
Fixed an issue where a newly loaded score could start playing measure 1 immediately because the user may have inadvertently double-tapped the Apple Pencil barrel despite not yet having interacted with that score.
Fixed an issue where, after playing back a region in the arrange editor, exiting to your score, then going into the main audio playback - the playhead was not appearing.
Fixed an unexpected quit when dragging a shape’s (slur, accel., 8va, etc.) right handle to the left past its left handle, then trying to undo.
Fixed an issue where after inserting a new slur from a note to a chord, undo was not working.
Fixed an issue when you had a slur that spanned multiple systems (in page view). If the right anchor of the slur ended in a measure that had a backward repeat, the slur was not drawing correctly.
Fixed an issue when creating a new score directly after having a score with more staffs than the one you are creating. This was leaving left over staff names on screen until you refreshed the screen.
Other fixes.
Removed support for Adonit styluses.
Version 2.3
(Build 50)
August 18th, 2022
Features Added
You can now designate notes from one staff to cross and appear on any adjacent (above/below) staff. Beams and slurs follow along.
In addition to acting upon the entire score, these action menu items (Reset Tuplet Placements, Reset Manual Beaming Breaks, Reset Beam Durations, Reset Cross Staff Notes, Reset Measure Widths, Reset Manual Positioning, Reset (Extend/Clip) Measure Durations) now allow you to specify a prior selection.
Now saving and restoring changes made to the distance between systems in page view.
Going into page or presentation views now retains any manual measure width changes from dragging barlines.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an unexpected quit in the Transformation Editor when reverting duplicated regions.
Fixed region duplication in Transformation Editor when the duplicated region is the last user-defined region.
Fixed an issue where undoing the repositioning of fretboards was not working as expected.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to manual force a beam connection to a previous beam group even though there may be a quarter or larger duration note in the group resulting in a beam over quarter.
Known Issues
Printing in landscape mode on two sides incorrectly flips the reverse side.
Searching in the reference manual finds the correct page and highlights the search term, but does not scroll to the first occurrence on that page.
Playhead does not start from a dragged position in presentation view as it does is in the other two views.
Pausing playback before a repeat then continuing always executes the repeat even if play should go on.
Version 2.2
(Build 49)
June 4th, 2022
Features Added
When adding fretboards, you can now designate the starting fret. The fretboard chooser will automatically repopulate all possible diagrams based on the new starting fret.
Playback of fretboard or chord symbol formerly only played the chord symbol using a user designated octave. Now if a fretboard is present, the actual fretboard will be played, thus different diagrams of the same chord will sound different.
Playback of fretboard vs. chord symbol when dragging over with the Virtual Pointer or tapping directly on the element in the score will now play either the chord symbol or the actual fretboard. Scrubbing and full playback will now play the fretboard if they are present.
A noticeable delay of up to two seconds when first sounding notes has been removed.
The action menu “Transpose Notes” has been removed. The transpose panel from the main menu is much more complete.
Measure stack playback from the Apple Pencil barrel double tap shortcut now puts up a playhead and scrolls the music appropriately.
The entire beat sounds when adding a new note in sliding palette mode, instead of just the new note about to be added, so if you are adding to an existing chord, for example, the entire chord will sound with the new note.
When adding new notes from the notes palette, notes continue to sound until cancelled or the pitch changes.
Added an “All Notes Off” option in the Action menu in case of stuck sounding notes.
A “Don’t Change Chord Durations” option has been added to the notes palette. When adding to existing chords: the existing chord’s duration is used instead of the palette’s duration setting.
The Note palette has been redesigned to make the the new options clearer and better organized.
Fretboard note labels along the bottom of each diagram has been optimized to avoid crowding by using superscripts for accidentals.
Added parentheses around the octave designation in the Virtual Pointer when displaying the note passed over.
Added the display of chord name to Virtual Pointer when passing over a chord symbol or fretboard.
When using the note palette to insert new notes in static mode (sliding mode is OFF), the right side of the pitch rectangle now shows the actual note that will replace the main center note if toggled instead of the letter ’T’.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue when in dark mode, printing was white notes against a black background. Now printing color is correct.
Fixed an issue when using context sensitive menu’s octave up or down in rapid succession could continue sounding notes indefinitely.
Edit menu now resizes properly to visible sections.
Many other improvements.
Known Issues
Printing in landscape mode on two sides incorrectly flips the reverse side.
Searching in the reference manual finds the correct page and highlights the search term, but does not scroll to the first occurrence on that page.
Playhead does not start from a dragged position in presentation view as it does is in the other two views.
Pausing playback before a repeat then continuing always executes the repeat even if play should go on.
Manually joined beamed notes can erroneously span across adjacent non-beamable notes. Fix is to turn off beam joining for the affected notes.
Version 2.1
(Build 48)
March 22nd, 2022
Features Added
Note palette now has two new buttons: Sliding and No Chord (an icon). When Sliding is ON, move to any location in the same staff and system simply by sliding your pencil right or left while maintaining pressure. As you slide, if the new note will be added to an existing note (making or adding to a chord), the entire beat will become highlighted. When the No Chord button is ON, notes cannot be added to existing chords - useful if notes are so close together that inserting in between notes is instead, adding to/making a chord. Cancel Sliding mode by moving above or below the staff beyond a number of ledger lines (now a preference that can be set in the Actions menu: Advanced Settings: Sliding Palette).
In the original, static palette note entry (Sliding is OFF), the rectangular pitch indicator now changes color to signify that a new note will add to/make a chord.
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue in dark mode where after selecting a button in the notes or expressions palettes and moving to another button, the old button was not redrawing properly.
Fixed an issue when selecting items of different types (slur, then chord, etc.) sometimes wouldn’t select.
Now turning on text and tempo layers if editing in the lyric manager.
Fixes crash on undo after trying to insert a rest over an existing note with the palette.
Palette durations are now respected over existing notes thus changing those durations.
Adding a rest to an existing note with the palette now correctly changes that beat to a rest.
Fixed an issue where tap to select was sometimes not working.
Slurs, ties and other shapes now in the undo stream when toggling notes to rests.
Fixed an unexpected quit when tapping on a fretboard or chord symbol with EditingSounds: Pitch set ON.
Fixed an issue where tuplets were made to non-tuplets after changing durations in the Transformation Editor to a region.
Now all editing is disabled in Presentation mode.
Fixed an issue when a right side menu was down (Edit, Note Palette, or Expressions Palette), and the Next measure navigation button was used to go to the end of the score in scroll view, the last measure was not completely visible.
Known Issues
Printing in landscape mode on two sides incorrectly flips the reverse side.
Searching in the reference manual finds the correct page and highlights the search term, but does not scroll to the first occurrence on that page.
Playhead does not start from a dragged position in presentation view as it does is in the other two views.
Pausing playback before a repeat then continuing always executes the repeat even if play should go on.
Manually joined beamed notes can erroneously span across adjacent non-beamable notes. Fix is to turn off beam joining for the affected notes.
Version 2.0.4
(Build 47)
February 17th, 2022
Features Added
Music engine completely overhauled with major performance boost now handles large documents.
Major user interface changes makes controls more intuitive. All user interface elements redesigned.
A new Presentation view has been added shows the score paginated.
Support for Split Screen mode.
Support for Dark Mode.
Supports Apple Scribble.
In-app Help Reference Manual completely overhauled and expanded.
Getting Started tutorial available through Split Screen mode. No internet connection needed.
Action Menu completely redesigned.
Road Map display enhanced which now consolidates duplicate ranges. Selecting lines highlights measures in the score.
Numerous speed enhancements.
Undo now supported throughout with few exceptions.
Printing overhauled now paginates properly with various user margin options included.
All managers (Score, Staff, Lyric, Chord) completely redesigned.
New Score browser.
Full iOS font menu support when adding text.
Now supports auto scrolling when dragging to the far right or left for selections and scrubbing.
Playback loops now have visual feedback in the score.
New Edit Menu coalesces all editing actions with collapsible sections.
Slurs can now be flipped.
Beams can now be broken.
When inserting a new note, rectangular pitch indicator changes color to signify that new note will either be independent or part of an existing chord.
Context Sensitive menu item, “Split” creates two notes of half duration each tied together.
Mordents and turns now playback.
Improved behavior of palette inserting new notes/rests.
Added 10 new factory examples (courtesy of Philip Leader) that can be loaded ready to play:
Bach Invention 1 in C. Major
Bach Invention 2 in C Minor
Bach Invention 7 in E Minor
Bach Book 1 Fugue 5 in D Major
Bach Book 1 Prelude in 9 E Major
Bach Book 1 Fugue 15 in G Major
Bach Book 2 Prelude 19 in A Major
Bach Book 2 Fugue 19 in A Major
Bach Air from the suite in No.3 in D Major
Bach piano piece in B Minor
Hundreds of other enhancements.
Bugs Fixed
Too numerous to list.
Known Issues
Printing in landscape mode on two sides incorrectly flips the reverse side.
Searching in the reference manual finds the correct page and highlights the search term, but does not scroll to the first occurrence on that page.
Playhead does not start from a dragged position in presentation view as it does is in the other two views.
Pausing playback before a repeat then continuing always executes the repeat even if play should go on.
Manually joined beamed notes can erroneously span across adjacent non-beamable notes. Fix is to turn off beam joining for the affected notes.
Version 1.3.10
(Build 42)
September 11, 2019
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue introduced in 1.3.9 that caused a crash when deleting entire staves.
Fixed an issue where Paste Special with Merge was not always “undo-ing” properly.
Other minor fixes.
Features Added
Ties and slurs now will freeze above/below when in the presence of two voices.
Known Issues
Undo not restoring ties in some instances.
Some screen redrawing is necessary after an email or print.
Copying selected notes instead of simply whole measures is not yet supported.
Paste Special using Merge involving tuplets has some minor issues. Best to save before implementing Paste Special: Merge.
Version 1.3.9
(Build 41)
August 28, 2019
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where a tuplet couldn’t be changed - only deleted and reentered. Now changes in the panel are working properly.
Fixed an issue where double tapping directly on a tuplet was not properly bringing up the tuplet panel.
Removed “Key” as a transposing method in action menu for vertical dragging and reassigned all diatonic transpositions to respect the local key signature.
Fixed an issue where toggling rest/note from the dragging pitch rectangle was not updating the right top button with the correct image blending mode for that image.
Fixed an issue where grace notes, when starting a measure, were drawing incorrectly when in another, non-active voice.
Fixed an issue when opening short documents after being scrolled to the end of a long document. Scrolling was not properly being reset.
Improved performance for documents that have lots of shapes (slurs, ties, etc.).
Improved slur positioning by now considering both endpoints note’s stem direction.
Fixed an issue where deleting a tie in chordal notes with undo was not behaving reliably.
Fixed an issue when deleting or clearing entire measures that contained ties. Undoing was behaving incorrectly.
Current document is now saved when going to the Score Manager as a safeguard when in Manual Save mode.
Grace notes that followed one or more blank measures are now drawing correctly.
Fixed some ties that could have gotten corrupted.
Fixed issues when trying to undo/redo after a paste.
Fixed an issue where undo was unexpectedly quitting after deleting a measure stack.
Features Added
Added a Paste Special which has many new options when pasting copied measures.
Notes can now be pitch or duration dragged when tapping and dragging directly on the note even when a (non-shape) expression is selected (the second button down from the top along the right side).
Grace notes are now allowed on the first note in staff.
Ties can now connect enharmonically equivalent notes.
Added full undo support to insert measure before/after.
Added undo/redo support for Live Change.
Known Issues
Undo not restoring ties in some instances.
Some screen redrawing is necessary after an email or print.
Copying selected notes instead of simply whole measures is not yet supported.
Paste Special using Merge has some minor issues. Best to save before implementing Paste Special: Merge.
Version 1.3.8
(Build 40)
June 26, 2019
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where the top of some scores might get cut off in the transformation editor’s preview area.
Fixed an issue where short left to right strokes failed to recognize.
Fixed an issue where grace notes following a 16th note or quicker were not behaving properly.
Fixed an issue where you couldn’t change an interior note in a tuplet to a grace note.
Fixed an issue where rests in a beam group were sometimes drawing with a half beam. This issue was inadvertently introduced in v1.3.7.
Improved spacing of dotted notes.
Whole measure rests are now centered in the measure.
Certain expressions such as dynamics and tremolos can now only appear on a note once. Adding a different different dynamic (for example) simply changes the existing one.
Improved vertical centering of grace notes on line or space.
Features Added
Dragging on a bar line in the measure number bar will expand that measure stack by adding space in between every note. This is very useful when trying to insert new notes in between notes that are very close together.
Now restoring last zoom and staff positions when opening saved documents.
Transposing notes from the Action menu now also transposes chord symbols and fretboards.
New “Live Change” button in Static Palette allows direct duration change of tapped note(s) to current palette duration and note/rest.
Added a user option to designate an Auto Save interval.
Added tremolos (in expressions) with playback.
Revamped the expressions/dynamics/shapes palette into a single palette. Now always in “Live Mode” so palette can stay open while inserting new expressions.
Added ability to place a tuplet number without a bracket beam side (in addition to number + bracket note side). Added context sensitive “Flip Tuplet” toggle.
Tuplet panel now defaults to most common triplet based on selected note’s duration.
Known Issues
Undo after a multi-staff copy/paste is still problematic. Best is to save your score before attempting any large undos.
Collisions between voices may occur and will be addressed in the next release.
Version 1.3.7
(Build 38)
April 30, 2019
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where the float rest user preference was stepping by half spaces even though it was labeled whole spaces. The problem is that half and whole rests could sit both on and hang off of lines when in the presence of another voice which was wrong.
Chord symbols and/or fretboards now sound even if present on tied-to notes.
Fixed an issue when trying to insert a note, sometimes was hitting a ‘dead’ spot where the insertion wasn’t working.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to insert a new note in between two tied notes and the tie would remain.
Tapping on fretboards now trigger the context sensitive menu for repositioning and deletion.
Fixed an issue when a region started with any empty measures, a transformation (from the transformation editor) inversion would produce nonsense results.
Features Added
Better beaming in general.
Added ability to drag rests vertically to avoid collisions when in the presence of another voice.
Added a user context sensitive menu option to break/join beaming on any beam-able note.
Added a user context sensitive menu option to re-beam whole measure(s) to default beaming.
Added a user sub-division field in the meters panel along with a reset to default, allowing custom beaming groups.
Added global reset all subdivisions to action menu.
Added global reset all break/join beaming to action menu.
Can now include rests in beams via user option to break/join beam.
Added a new pitch dragging mode: “Direction” which moves chromatically up by sharps and down by flats.
Added various alerts to actions (from the Action menu) that perform global functions, providing an opportunity to cancel.
In addition to the default “Cycling” notes/rests/tools palette (with only one of the three visible at a time), a “Static” palette has been added (Options: “Notes/Rests Palette”) which shows all notes, rests, and tools at the same time.
Added a fretboard baseline offset preference in Advanced Settings.
Added a chord count to information statistics.
Known Issues
Undo after a multi-staff copy/paste is still problematic. Best is to save your score before attempting any large undos.
Collisions between voices may occur and will be addressed in the next release.
Version 1.3.6
(Build 37)
March 18, 2019
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue in copy/paste that resulted in missing ties, slurs and other shapes. This happened when trying to paste from two or more staffs.
Known Issues
Undo after a multi-staff copy/paste is still problematic. Best is to save your score before attempting any large undos.
Version 1.3.5
(Build 36)
March 15, 2019
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where undo was not working properly after selecting move to other voice from the context sensitive menu.
Actions menu dropdown now sizes to maximum size all the time.
Fixed an issue where not all scores were getting a delete ‘x’ (delete button) in the score manager after tapping on ‘Edit’.
Fixed an issue where saving a document was not saving the current zoom level.
Score now considers highest marking to properly adjust first system downward instead of just highest note.
Fixed an issue where double tapping to open a panel when Options: Select deselects others was ON was not deselecting others.
Fixed an issue when inserting new notes with the palette, the “tock” sound was repeating too much.
Fixes an issue where upon first opening a document and trying to change a pitch with a tool, app could unexpectedly quit.
Fixed an issue where after selecting a whole measure, then Action Menu: Move To Staff, MusicJOT unexpectedly quit.
Fixed an issue in the transformation editor when after duplicating a region, the region couldn’t be edited without an unexpected quit.
Fixed an issue where tapping on a chord symbol to sound, then again on the same symbol was not re-sounding.
Various other bugs and improvements.
Features Added
Added support for fretboards.
Sped up drawing in large documents.
Added preference for changing chord text font size and fretboard size.
Added ability to change the distance between systems in page view by dragging staff name.
Added dotted and solid line shapes in the shapes palette.
Added numerals 6-9 and Roman VI-XII in the expressions palette.
Added Guitar right hand markings in expressions (i, m, a, p, c).
Added ability to toggle note head to harmonic (diamond) and back.
Updated help across various topics.
Version 1.3.4
(Build 34)
December 7, 2018
Features Added
Added new sound libraries as In-App Purchases. After tapping on an instrument in the play window, the instruments chooser now has a dropdown revealing additional libraries purchased.
Staff Manager now shows the sound library in addition to the instrument for each staff.
Added additional user defined Apple Pencil Double Tap actions. This has both an new actions menu section and an on-screen (lower right) popup menu (must have 3rd generation iPad Pro and 2nd generation Apple Pencil).
Version 1.3.3
(Build 33)
November 28, 2018
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where under certain circumstances the Welcome Screen could reappear despite a previous session selecting “Skip.”
Fixed an issue where tapping to insert new notes was sounding the note twice.
Fixed an issue where shapes (slurs, hairpins, etc.) that continued on a subsequent system were not drawing correctly.
Deleting a key or meter from the context sensitive menu at the bottom now changes forward until a different key or meter respectively is encountered.
Fixed a memory leak.
Fixed an issue where if rests were included with notes in a selection and dragged for pitch, the rests would sound a pitch.
“Actions: Delete Selected Staff” now has a Cancel button.
Fixed an issue where invoking retrograde in the Transformation Editor in some cases was unexpectedly quitting or producing an undefined result.
Various other fixes.
Transformation Editor playback now respects chord and expression playback.
Features Added
Added support for the new Apple Pencil and 3rd generation iPad Pro.
New Apple Pencil now uses double tap to switch between palette and handwriting.
Expressions that affect playback (dynamics, ties, 8vas, etc.) now have a small indicator on their respective icon in their respective palettes.
Trills now playback.
Added a trills playback preferences section in “Actions: Advanced Options.”
Added playback for staccatos and accents over notes.
Abbreviated staff names are now shown in page view for systems subsequent to the first system.
AirDrop to MusicJOT now possible (previously you could only AirDrop from MusicJOT).
Instrument chooser now allows auditioning of sounds.
Version 1.3.2
(Build 31)
September 26, 2018
Bugs Fixed
Playhead position when moving into and out of full audio mode has been improved.
Fixed an issue where play/pause/play was not resuming where the play head left off.
Changing the virtual pointer size live via preferences was not updating itself.
Fixed an issue where glissandi between systems of more than one staff when split between systems was drawing incorrectly.
Fixed an issue where tapping quickly on a context sensitive menu item was not always giving user feedback.
Fixed an issue when changing color themes a duplicate set of right side buttons was being created.
Fixed an issue where “Tutorials” was not reaching our servers and came up with a 404 - not found.
Fixed an issue where inside staff marks (such as tenuto, staccato) were not avoiding collisions with other marks if the note was on a line and outside of the staff.
Features Added
Minimum zoom level for full audio mode is now the same as in normal score view. If left side controls get too crowded, they are minimized.
Added AirDrop to the Share menu.
Welcome screen now has a “New Features” section which shows automatically with each new updated version.
Added new animated gifs to Welcome screen highlighting new features.
Added a new menu item: Move events between staffs which can move text, tempo markings, chords and expressions en masse between staffs.
Version 1.3.1
(Build 30, svn 5453)
June 25, 2018
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where exporting MIDI was not working.
Fixed an issue where selecting the last region’s end measure in the Transformation Editor was unexpectedly quitting.
Fixed an issue when inserting a new note then dragging left or right might place the new note in the wrong slot.
Fixed an issue where the initial sounding note when inserting a new note with the palette method was sometimes one step either higher or lower than what was indicated by the selection rectangle.
Fixed an issue where deleting the last staff was not cleaning up indicated clef and key in sidebar.
Fixed an issue when adding shapes (slurs, crescendos, etc.) where the start occurred later than the end was causing an unexpected quit when then switching to page view.
Fixed an issue where the playhead could disappear.
Numerous other bug fixes.
Features Added
Pitch dragging rectangle has been enhanced to show currently selected note, cancel area, and note/rest toggle.
Chord panel added for creating lead sheets, etc. with chord playback.
Chord editor added for adding user defined chords to augment factory defaults.
Redistributed options from left slide-out drawer into the Options dropdown menu.
Reorganized Options dropdown menu.
Added new options.
Added chord play, chord octave and range reset to audio dropdown settings menu.
Reorganized playback settings dropdown menu.
Reorganized help table of contents in reference manual.
Known Issues
Larger documents may slow down. This will be fixed in the next update.
Measure bar might disappear temporarily when audio window is first active. Workaround: zoom or scroll will bring it back.
Version 1.3
(Build 29, svn 5283)
April 27, 2018
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where the previous/next measure navigation buttons were exhibiting jitter.
Fixed an issue where some of the controls in the options drop down menu were not resizing properly.
Scrubbing with the virtual pointer now properly re-articulating notes just scrubbed.
Fixed an issue where adding a shape, then dragging an endpoint, then undoing was causing an unexpected quit.
Fixed an issue where adding or deleting a staff from the action menu might cause an unexpected quit.
Fixed an issue when dragging the pitch indicator up/down to insert a new note would be jumpy if dragged quickly.
Fixed an issue where handwriting a new meter in a measure with an existing meter was setting the meter to “0/0.”
Fixed some issues with very high/low notes getting cut off from view.
Dragging notes for pitch is now much more fluid with no above or below staff restrictions.
Changing colors (themes) now changes all items immediately.
Fixed issues where some windows were repositioning themselves improperly when the device was rotated.
Fixed an issue where the Virtual Pointer was not updating it’s initial and final position after finger off and glide.
Fixed an issue where trying to paste a measure with text/tempo markings attached to a multi-note chord was causing an unexpected quit.
Fixed an issue where some legacy documents had their voice 1 / 2 stems frozen in the wrong direction. Those documents are now repaired on load.
Fixed an issue where shapes were getting corrupted when sending notes to the opposite voice.
Fixed an issue where the audio loop text fields in drop down were not allowing easy editing and clearing.
Many other improvements.
Fixed an issue where composer and opus in page view weren't being repositioned when rotating device.
Fixed an issue where a long staff name or abbreviation would unexpectedly quit.
Features Added
Added a new Transformation Editor module.
Creating and managing regions used in the Transformation Editor is now fully supported.
Added new prefs: next/previous measure button speed.
Added new prefs: duration drag sensitivity.
Added new prefs: pitch cancel distance.
Drag overlay now matches cancel distance.
Tuplet brackets can now be dragged up/down.
Added additional help items.
If sound is on in Options, dragging to insert new notes now sounds pitch.
Added a live search box to the reference manual.
Removed four ledger line above/below restrictions.
Initial sounding of notes with the Virtual Pointer has been sped up somewhat.
Added subtitle in page view.
Known Issues
Exporting via MIDI either as an attachment or directly is currently not working.
Version 1.2.5
(Build 28, svn 4873)
November 30, 2017
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where there was too little text room for abbreviations in the Staff Manager.
Fixed a bug where invoking the repeats panel from the last measure and then switching to another tab was crashing.
Fixed an issue where adding a lyric to a note that already had text was crashing.
Improved zooming and scrolling performance, especially with large documents.
Fixed an unexpected quit with large documents on older iPads®.
Fixed an issue when popping up panels. Sometime they were either partially or totally offscreen.
Fixed an issue where selecting at the very bottom of the screen was inhibited by the presence of the context sensitive menu whether visible or not.
Fixed an issue where saving the document (either automatically or manually) might clobber memory and crash.
Fixed a serious issue where some users could not load a previous score without crashing.
Fixed an issue where some older documents that used multiple voices were flipping stems in the wrong direction.
Features Added
Added visible drag handles to shapes such as slurs, hairpins, regions, etc.
Added a Virtual Pointer style user pref.
Added a Reset Defaults in the Options drop down.
Added meter shortcuts to context sensitive menu.
Updated help files.
Version 1.2.4
(Build 27, svn 4747)
October 16, 2017
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where a selected tool of any rest was inserting a note instead.
Fixed handwriting for drawing ties on non-bottom notes in chords.
Fixed memory increasing bug that could cause crashes after scrolling around.
Fixed an issue where changing the abbreviated name in the staff panel could crash.
Fixed handwriting where existing measures have multiple character meters such as 11/16.
Features Added
Removed crosshairs from Virtual Pointer and replaced with a thin circumference for a less cluttered look.
Added a Staff Manager to allow re-ordering of staffs.
Added abbreviated staff name.
Added sort by length in score manager.
We now detect unexpected quits and give the user the option of attempting to reload the prior document.
Version 1.2.1(2)
(Build 24, svn 4570)
August 14, 2017
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where clefs were not being shown at the start of each system in page view.
Fixed an issue where handwriting in page view was not creating the correct pitches.
Fixed an issue where handwriting in page view was shifting all of the pitches for that measure.
Version 1.2
(Build 23, svn 4536)
August 7, 2017
Bugs Fixed
Deleting multiple measure stacks is more reliable and other general reliability improvements.
Fixed print out title centering.
Fixed the case when inserting a new note at the end of a measure when the previous last note had a clef change, new note was in wrong clef.
Numerous other bugs and improvements.
Fixed an issue where a bluetooth headphone did not work with the audio.
MusicJOT icon attachment during email export now correctly being assigned.
Green add new note rectangular selection bar now only appearing if a note can be added.
Numerous undo/redo bugs fixed.
Fixed an issue where the first note of a beam group could start a beam group even if it was on a weak beat.
Fixed an issue where a key cancellation plus a flatted key was not spacing the following notes properly causing overlapping elements.
Fixed an inconsistency where if multiSelectOnSameTypeOnly was ON marquee selection wasn’t excluding different score item types.
Sorting order in the Scores view is now maintained across subsequent calls.
Features Added
Two voices per staff.
New UI button controls for voices
Version 1.1.2
(Build 19, svn 4276)
April 21, 2017
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where notes that were dragged up or down producing more than 4 ledger lines couldn't be dragged back.
Fixed an issue where un-beamed notes with flags were not getting extra space to compensate for their flag.
Title is now white which is more readable.
Fixed issues where the tutorials window header and buttons were not being updated as appropriate.
Changed various default user preference metrics (advanced settings).
Fixed playback issue where sound was only coming from headphones but not speaker (v1.1.1).
Fixed various spacing issues.
Fixed spacing issues with mid-measure clefs.
Fixed an issue when editing a chord with handwriting that had accidentals was shifting accidentals to the wrong chordal notes when rendering.
Unified a number of UI colors and background fills.
Fixed playhead scrolling behavior in page view.
Fixed playback playhead position when zoomed in page view.
Improved handwriting performance with Apple Pencil®.
Fixed a number of situations where the app could crash.
Fixed an issue where user supplied document info was not updating immediately in page view after tapping ‘Apply.’
Fixed an issue where handwriting an accidental to a chordal note was not being rendered.
Features Added
Added “Subtitle” metadata to score information (now ‘Document info’).
Changed action menu heading from composer/opus to “Document Info…”
Now showing Adonit stylus status indicator when using the Adonit stylus.
Added color themes.
Version 1.1.1
(Build 18, svn 4188)
March 25, 2017
Bugs Fixed
Unmute All in the settings menu when in audio playback now is enabled/disabled when appropriate.
Improved proportional spacing and hooked into music spacing slider.
Fixed an issue where paste-merging rests was not checking for pre-existing rests in same slot. Also now not adding notes NOT inserted to selection (which caused phantom selections).
Fixed numerous issues with transposed instruments (staff).
Fixed unwanted measure width shifting when moving into and out of handwriting.
Handwriting recognition now properly positions clefs on staffs in page view.
Fixed an issue where handwriting wasn’t always recognizing key signature when drawing new notes.
Fixed an issue where time signatures might not be vertically aligned when a transposed instrument presented a different key signature than the other staffs.
Fixed unexpected behavior when handwriting non-treble clef on staffs in page view.
Fixed an issue where inserting a note from the palettes was not updating the display until tapping in the clear.
Fixed an issue where if there was only one measure stack, deleting the last measure from the action menu was crashing.
Fixed an issue where tapping in the clear with help balloons displayed was not removing help balloons.
Fixed an issue where the Report a Bug screenshot was resulting in partial or no image when score was scrolled.
Features Added
Made it easier to change instrument sounds from playback sidebar by a single tap on the instrument name instead of a long press.
Added user prefs in “Report a bug” email for improved diagnostics.
Added feature that chases last note in measure that matches inserted note and picks up its accidental.
Pitch and duration dragging is now active in non-handwriting mode in all cases except when dragging out slurs, ties, hairpins, etc.
Added a Fibonacci spacing algorithm that Improves music spacing.
Added Fibonacci spacing as a new preference in Advanced Settings: Music Spacing.
Added previous and next buttons to navigation button area as an alternative way to move measure-by-measure.
Report A Bug now offers a choice whether or not to include a screenshot.
Improved slur contours.
Version 1.1
(Build 17)
March 10, 2017
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where spacing didn't always update unless you deselected everything (tapping in the clear).
Fixed an issue where tapping and dragging a rest was not behaving the same as with notes.
Fixed an issue when both a note and tempo was selected, after double tapping to edit the tempo, a warning box appeared instead of just editing the tempo.
Fixed an issue when both a note and text was selected, after double tapping on text to edit, a new text was created instead.
Fixed an issue where handwritten expressions were immovable.
Fixed unexpected behavior when adding expressions to existing chords.
Really fixed the welcome screen animations on early iPad® models.
Fixed an issue where the note displayed in a tempo mark was not changing color when selected.
Fixed an issue where trying to copy was quitting the app.
Renamed “Settings” dropdown to “Actions.”
Changed duration dragging to only occur when in note mode so that note-to-note dragging of shapes is possible (esp. to allow ties on internal chordal notes).
Fixed an issue in “Report a bug…” that included the drop down menu in the attached screen image.
Fixed an issue where the Virtual Pointer was not selecting notes if the expression tool was selected.
Fixed an issue where changing Virtual Pointer modes was sometimes out of sync with its display.
Features Added
Printing scores.
Added email pdf to Sharing. Removed old jpg/png options. New pdf is properly formatted with score heading, staff names, composer and opus.
Added composer and opus to top of page view.
Can now drag directly from note head to note head for slurs, ties, etc. as well as from above/below the two involved notes when in palette mode.
Report a bug now automatically includes hardware information.
Version 1.0.3
(Build 15)
February 20, 2017
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where odd numerator meters of 5, 7 or 11 were not getting beamed.
Fixed an issue where trying to drag a tie or glissando between two notes was not working in non-handwriting.
Fixed unexpected behavior when handwriting expressions.
Features Added
You can now drag a bar line anywhere in the score to change the measure width, not just from the measure bar.
Version 1.0.2
(Build 14)
February 14, 2017
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where app was crashing during the Welcome screen animations.
Changed destination email in Report a bug...
Fixed unexpected behavior with deleting and undoing shapes (such as slurs).
Fixed unexpected behavior when deleting expressions.
Fixed unexpected behavior with handwriting in measures with dotted rhythms.
Features Added
Can now play from measure in playback by putting a measure number in the nav text box and tapping play.
Version 1.0.1
(Build 13)
February 1, 2017
Bugs Fixed
Fixed an issue where a tuplet group that immediately preceded a grace note had the bracket include the grace note.
Much improved interval drag label both in positioning and look.
Fixed unexpected behavior when handwriting in a measure with a chord that spans a large interval.
Fixed an issue where new staffs added in the score manager for a new score were not setting appropriate default clef for that instrument.
Fixed unexpected behavior when handwriting a new note into an existing chord.
Fixed issue where rendered accidentals (including key signatures) was not always getting applied to handwriting notes.
Version 1.0
(Bbuild 12)
January 26, 2017