Your Professional Music Notation Solution
Experience the convenience of seamlessly transforming your musical ideas from handwritten notes to digital notation with MusicJOT®. Our innovative software empowers you to notate your music in your own handwriting, allowing MusicJOT to effortlessly and instantly recognize and render into exquisite musical notation.
With MusicJOT®, you can bring your compositions to life with ease. Whether you're a seasoned musician or a budding songwriter, our advanced technology facilitates playback, editing, arranging, printing and endless customizations to showcase your musical creations. Embrace the power of personalized music notation and unleash your creativity like never before with MusicJOT.
Handwriting Recognition
Draw some notes...
Draw a slur...
MusicJOT renders it perfectly.
MusicJOT renders it perfectly.
New in 3.0.5
You can now drag notes right or left to change spacing. Great for inserting new notes between tight spacing!
Dragging notes right or left to open up space
New in 3.0
Flip stems via a new Context Sensitive menu option.
Render Chord or Fretboard into real staff notes or arpeggiated notes.
Customize colors for Colorize Events.
Visible chord inversions.
Adds a “Voice Two Color” option to the “Score Settings” dropdown menu.
New zoom percent with a zoom percent popup chooser.
New in 2.7
User defined snap-to grid.
Enhanced ledger lines.
Show/hide rests.
Better collision detection between voices on the same staff.
Measure respacing during handwriting now under user control faster entry.
Pickup measures.
Smarter tuplets.
New onscreen “Note Names” for students.
New Action Menu items.
New in 2.5 - 2.6.1
Part extraction (show/hide staffs).
Multi-measure rests.
Increased meta-data.
Even easier to enter music with palettes.
New Action Menu items.
Dragging and respacing staffs even easier.
Bulk export.
Exporting MusicXML has been updated adding support for more features such as cross-staff notes.
Flip slurs and ties.
Auto-scrolling improvements.
Many other enhancements.
Courtesy Accidentals.
Dedicated Rehearsal Marks panel with auto-numbering/lettering.
New in 2.0
A new Presentation View shows your score automatically paginated.
Support for Split Screen mode.
Support for Dark Mode.
Supports Apple Scribble.
In-app Help Reference Manual completely overhauled and expanded.
Road Map display enhanced.
Music engine completely overhauled now handles large documents.
Numerous speed enhancements.
All User Interface elements redesigned.
Hundreds of bugs stamped out.
Undo now supported throughout with few exceptions.
Printing overhauled, now paginates properly with customizable margins.
All managers (Score, Staff, Lyric and Chord) completely redesigned.
New Score browser.
New factory supplied scores.
Full iOS font menu support.
Now supports auto scrolling when dragging for selections or scrubbing.
Playback loops now have visual feedback right in the score.
Tutorial available through Split Screen mode with an internet connection.
New Edit Menu coalesces all editing actions.
Slurs can now be flipped.
Beams can now be broken.
Hundreds of other enhancements.
Recognized symbols.
MusicJOT recognizes a large set of standard music notation symbols and converts from your handwriting to digital format.
It doesn't matter in what order you notate. Put in four quarters, then sharp the first quarter, then beam the last two to make two eighths. Work as you would with paper and pencil. Scratch out to delete. Add a new meter, clef or key signature. Make a slur or a tie. It's the most natural way to write music on iOS.
Full Featured Audio Playback.
Audio playback is full featured with controls for overall tempo, volume, looping, and repeats with a draggable playhead for scrubbing. Counters include measure, beat and seconds. Each staff can be assigned its own sound from 128 different instruments with individual controls for pan, gain, mute and solo. Included is a reverb unit with settings for decay time, early reflections, wet/dry mix and -20 to +20 db gain.
Full featured audio playback.
Fretboards can be added to new or existing chord text symbols from the chords panel of the Edit Menu. Control visibility of fretboards on a staff-by-staff basis and choose from a variety of different fretted instruments from the Staff Manager.
Select from our revolutionary AI generated fretboards chooser which can generate thousands of alternatives from any chord, even user created ones. MusicJOT shows the best choices sorted by playability and richness of chord realization.
Add fretboards.
Select from a variety of fretted instruments.
The Virtual Pointer™ playing a single note.
Virtual Pointer
MusicJOT's Virtual Pointer lets you get the precision of a stylus with your finger. Drag the VP around, and the score under the pointer gets magnified. You can tap to select and insert notes and MusicJOT will sound the note you are over and display its name and octave. The Virtual Pointer can be set to sound single notes, whole chords or scrub your entire score.
View Modes, Layers, and Statistics
View your score in scroll view, page view or presentation/print view. Show or hide notes, expressions, shapes (slurs, hairpins, etc.), text, lyrics, regions, chords, bookmarks, illegal (incomplete) bars (with useful find buttons), note names, and hidden rests. All useful in removing clutter when you just want to concentrate on the music. Also see the number of instances for each of these elements, and a zoom lock for simplified scrolling.
All layers selected except Regions, Note Names and Hidden Rests.
Transformation Actions Panel
Revolutionary Transformation Editor
The Transformation editor is a powerful tool allowing you to duplicate, delete, rearrange, and apply transformations to user defined regions.
All transformations are non-destructive until you are satisfied with the results. Tools include: diatonic, chromatic and key transpositions, rhythmic alterations, melodic retrograde, inversion, randomize pitches and durations, shuffle, shift in time, selective pitch replacement, chord inversions, and staff swaps.
Experiment freely before committing. Listen to the original side-by-side with your transformed score.
An amazing new way to arrange!
Transformation Preview
Render Chords and Fretboards
Selected chords or fretboards can be rendered onto the staff as a chord or arpeggiated notes!
Render Chord Text Before
Render Fretboards Before